Monday, May 30, 2005

Quality factor in IT recruitment

Quality factor in IT recruitment
Panel discussion
Trinity 2, Taj residency
7 pm

MeasureUp and Cyber media Dice
Pallab Bandopadhyay - sasken
Ebrahim Matthew -
Gautam Sinha - tva infotech
Girish Nair - aztec
Vidya sagar - philips
Jan ackerman - oracle
Kevin Brice - measureup

Outsourcing wave
No. of graduate and suitability
Chief people officer, chief fun officer
Power shortage
Q - quality and quantity
Format of the discussion
1. Vidyasagar
Scars on their face
Criss cross
Ability to scale up in the shortest time.
Easily said and done.
Assembly line concept
Every 1 chasing numbers. Major differentiator is the quality of people.
Learnability, cultural fit
Awfully bad
Quality is fitness for use - bil cosby
Metaphor in the manufacturing industry
Losing customer and annoying x y
10% of applicance is wrong.

He will give views on the topic
2. 4 lakh engineers / year
Huge supply and huge demand
Recruitment strategy
Hiring the right people. Hiring to meet the number
3. Keep them engaged
Caste perspective.
Devi shetty, hospital, germany
Compare apple with oranges.
Anecdote prolific management writer, gurucharan das
Worldclass potter than a 2nd class scientist
Testing as a career in campus recruitments
Counter culture
Project manager and ask for a test.
4. water water everywhere and not a drop to drink.
Severe dichotomoy.
Knowledge workers
Catalysts. Attract and retain.
Performance is never constant.
Strike rate 100 - 5 to 10
Detach the rating system in appraisal.
Innovation in IT recruitment.
Quality drop ?
Time to spot them.
Hiring in vacuum.
Personal glorification, Rejecting the candidate ( fourier series)
Reject with genuine reason.
They don’t want to hire.

Brand Bar Compensation = BBC
5 man, 50 man, 500 man companies
I appreciate the opportunity.
Still more precarious.
What do you call..Lowest degree medical school- Doctor.
Certification , standardising.
Exhibit specific knowledge
Punitive component
Ground up approach.
Expand on what they have earlier said.
Probationary period, referral checks
Hiring managers X rejecting managers.
Selling jasmine flowers.
Anti thetical.
Sonali singh
Salaries are not irrational.
Salaries rising. NO ? 1:7
Norm is not that....

Exit interview
Good or bad / effective or ineffective
Socio centric/ individual
Conflicting demands
Work on technology
Look at truth dispassionately
Cricket sw giant
Cant make my resume look good with a mid size company.
Social obligation
Exaggerated peer expectation.
Uski kameez meri kameez se bright kyon hai.
Mid range technologies

Few stray cases
Want to go home early
Expectation matrix
Talent acquisition forces
Sachin TVA Training recruiters
Technial recruiters are not trained technically
Resume pushing
Ctrl -F
Eye for detail

Friday, May 27, 2005

Management information systems: An MBA assignment

Management information systems: An MBA assignment

 This assignment needs you to involve somebody who is close to you and working in any organization, in a decision making role (mid management or above)

You will need to interact with the concerned person, find out the following and submit your findings in a report format

1. State the person's name, her/his relationship with you, name of the organization & department where she/he is working in. Briefly describe the nature of her/his responsibilities.

Aravinda T M

Team Leader

Siemens communication system

MG road, Bangalore

Co-ordination with team members to perform the verification and validation of the product before the software is deployed at the customer site.



2. Identify important decisions that she/he is required to take or participate in taking, in her/his work life.

Effort estimation

Designing of Test plans and Test Strategy.

Review activities

Test Automation Strategy

Test Results reporting

Delivery of the product after performing acceptacne test.


3. Rank the decisions according to their importance to her/his own performance in the organization.

High - Test Results reporting

High - Designing of Test plans and Test Strategy.

Medium - Review activities

Medium - Effort estimation

High - Test Automation Strategy

High - Delivery of the product after performing acceptacne test.


4. for the two most important decisions in the above rankings:

a: describe the data inputs that she/he needs for taking the decision

Peer Reviews

Benchmarking results of the previous projects

Standard Process documents

Experience and near apporximations

b: describe where and how he/she uses subjective inputs like her/his judgment and intuition.

Intution based judgement is applied only in places where the complexity of the task is known/ familiar.

Otherwise it's always a standardised approach set by the quality department.

Quality Team must have done a thorough check of the process over the years to arrive at an optimal approximation

c. briefly describe the process of decision making including the different factors that influence the decision and the way they are related to each other.

Factors that influences the decision making:

No of resources available for the task and their expertise level in handling the job.

The time duration allocated for the completion of the project.

Prior experience with similar job.

Inputs from couterparts across the borders.

5. Give suggestions regarding how different information technologies/systems can be used to improve the process of decision making for each of the two decisions. If IT is already being used in the decision making process, discuss whether and how IT supports the decision.

Process of decision making

Meeting with the experienced professionals and the expert opinion.

IT's help in arriving at a decision:

With Microsoft's Project Plan, a tool by microsoft, is used by most of the IT management folks.

It is an effective tool

It helps managing the timeline/resources/and tracking the project and henceforth taking the right decision.

Well for other quicker means to communicate and arrive at a decision email, telephone and video conferencing is extensively used.

RE: World is Flast..must read

Very true what you said.
But you should realise that many indians who are near-geniuses...are not
media savvy.

Met one intel fellow y'day at a conf. An Indian.
You won't believe...amazing brains...they make me more prouder.

-----Original Message-----
From: Ajaneesh Patil []
Sent: Friday, May 27, 2005 12:09 PM
To: Aravinda, TM
Subject: RE: World is Flast..must read

Very interesting...but consider this, it's still written by an
IT is's done wonders for us, no doubt.. when will Indian
authors have global consumers...i definitely want to see that
happening...infact why just indian...intellectual input should come from
all the corners of the world...and I hope it happens some time soon

Thursday, May 26, 2005

RE: World is Flat..must read

Acutally I meant this...

1. Fall of the Berlin WallThe events of November 9, 1989, tilted the worldwide balance of power toward democracies and free markets.
2. Netscape IPOThe August 9, 1995, offering sparked massive investment in fiber-optic cables.
3. Work flow software The rise of apps from PayPal to VPNs enabled faster, closer coordination among far-flung employees.
4. Open-sourcing Self-organizing communities, à la Linux, launched a collaborative revolution.
5. Outsourcing Migrating business functions to India saved money and a third world economy.
6. Offshoring Contract manufacturing elevated China to economic prominence.
7. Supply-chaining Robust networks of suppliers, retailers, and customers increased business efficiency. See Wal-Mart.
8. Insourcing Logistics giants took control of customer supply chains, helping mom-and-pop shops go global. See UPS and FedEx.
9. In-forming Power searching allowed everyone to use the Internet as a "personal supply chain of knowledge." See Google.
10. Wireless Like "steroids," wireless technologies pumped up collaboration, making it mobile and personal.

How do you organise, classify and store information ?! Your learnings ?

How do you organise, classify and store information ?! Your learnings ?
Email Inbox.
PDFs,Power point presentations, Pictures,
Email Fwds.
Telephone contacts.
Home-library of books.
Prints on paper,
Personal Diary.
News paper cuttings.

Information all over the place...and in all different forms.
Accumulation is fine. Sorting and making it available at finger tips.
Is there an integral view to all this information orgainsed at one place.
Efficient Knowledge managers ?

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Intel Platform architechture

Raj Yavatnakar, Intell Fellow in residence

CTG - corporate technology group
Chip company to platform company.
Centrino as a platform

Digital confluence
Platform solutions
Digital Home Entreprise solution mobility Emerging markets Digital health
50% of intel's revenue coming from outside US.
Drug studies and Drug Testing
Rural PC
Ethnographers - social scientists
Car batter pc
China- education pc
Built in lock - for kids - separate platform
Innovation at the firmware level

Silicon building blocks
PC as the open platform
Thinking brain waves into no longer science fiction
PDA market is low.
Cell phones ---> smart phones
Enterprise value vectors
- virtualisation
- manageability ( Operational expenses to be brought down)
- scalability ( dual processor
- security
-Energy efficiency
- volume efficiency

HW virtualisation

Heat dissipation
4 parallel projects are started to see which one is going to work
CA HP open view
Centralised approach is not good for scalability
Changes at platform level not going change much on top.
Nanotechnology- actuators
Ewaste - how do you recycle
Never say never
Entreprise security vulnerability - example of a platform
Slamming worms - 20 mins infect the entire network
Buffer overflows 19%
Cyber terrorism
80mb consumption of bandwidth
Platform based response
- mitigate, you got the cold, but don’t spread it out.
Isolat partition
Tamper resistant platform
VMM - 2yrs os. MS os which is 30 year old
Chip company---> enterprise
Only the paranoid survive
Dissonance debate
Centrino's story - israeli , proposal, focus on power efficiency
Let the chaos rain.
Things can be bad not terrible.
AMD's answer to intel's platform ?

Monday, May 23, 2005

Pramod haque, TiE

Tivoli (IBM)
Forte (SUN)
Airespace( cisco) - 450mn
Spinnaker ( net applns)
Vezzaz ntwks
IT spending in USA - 480 bn
china- 27bn
india -12bn

P4 - Product development/germination
P3 -
P2 - India based IT servive
P1 - Y2k

Are we building the right product ?
Early adopters
Wireless infrastructre. - china and india

Hybrid investments
Winphoira Mar 2000
No Wireless engineers in boston
Open silicon
great disruptive model - double the work force
ARPUs 40$ in US
8$ in India/china
Sonoa systems
Offloads the server
Service oriented architechture
Messaging infrastructure
Serial entrepreneur ( founder of winphora) muralidhar
Undisciplined romantic
Balance and complimentary
Give stocks- ability to build wealth
Retention problems
Israel cost difference 2:1
Blore 3:1
Eastern europe
Advantages for working for smaller companies
Cog in the wheel
San jose - silicon valley
Outsourcing will continue
Hybrid invest
Micro multinationals

Devleoper testing
Unit testing
System design code construction system integration deployment

Will you test fly passenger jet developed by your compnay
Early discovery of defects
Traditional development is flawed

Cultural obstacle
Unit test creation obstacle
Unit test mgmt obstcle

Make sw as mature as manufacturing

Gestation period for bio tec and nano tech companies are extremely high
Capital efficient business
Engineering force
ISB+ Satyam
Engg+ industry

Conusmer drive - commoditising
Wireless operators
Laws of physics don’t change
Elastic market (killer app - consumer wave)
Price ponts
Cost structure flexible
Loosely coupled systems
Population demographies failed investments
Niche markets - small markets
Organic growth
Services company giving out stock options
Siemens - medical instrumentation
Eco system

Friday, May 13, 2005

Ryze Mixer at aura

Mark,Financial consultant
"am not selling looks"

Kingshuk,oraclechina, treks,IMS

"world war will not be fought between nationstechno war"

Gagan Chhabra
healthy discussion with harish bijoor
retail real estate advertising and PRbonsai marketing

sun microsystems, engineering manager

Kishoresun, rocknroll

yap and sylivamarketing in malaysia

omam consultant

gita bartam ayyo

IMRB, birdconsumer research

Paullooking for another NGO partner

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Financial planning, abhishek

Abhishek, siemens10th may
unit linked plan
personalised financial needs
current holdings/ outstanding amount
gross income
guranteed returns / variable returns
policy illustration
insurance advisor/ qualified tax advisor

Thursday, May 05, 2005

Body language at Oxford book stores

Body language and Corporate world - Shah Nizamuddin5th may 05

am audible ?
Non verbal language cues/ signs
deconstructing ITPL - foundation

Linguistic power of communication
Integral part of communication
speech, voice modulation, body language

7% 38% 55%

Wrinkled, dirty patches
socks with umbrella

just because of day
pen ( mismatch )
handshake copulent
Tickling the hand - gay call
dominant - put the person down

Gentleman's handshake
eye to eye
Neutralisingstingy handshake
Physical space between two people
closed armsclosed legs
open ended questions

seniors right hand side
body bubble

public -12 ft friend - 6 ft intimate zone - 2ft

professional distance
eye contactwhen woman is interested blinks more persistence of the gaze
mood of the person
move around the face
maintaing the authority
good eye contact vs staring
good smile, frown
assertive attitude
counter stare
hide the feelings
sachin tendulkar does not counts his runs
average woman 20000 words a daymen 2k a daybrain space dedicated to speak
speaking machine problem solving machine
friction between man and woman
lady boss/ customerlisten to her
man - leftbrainedwoman - right
facial expression
vertical lines - question mark, not convincedhorizontal lines - surprised
slanted/tilted head - interestednodding
flexible neck
Timeon time - disciplinedpower of time
close proximity
body language at work
sloppywhen your graph comes down...
stand upright
geometry - lines straight - straight picture
pointing the leg - interestedwatch the feet
restless - work better when he's on the field
energetic nervous
fake up - put up
can bring embarassment
crossed leg
american foldarrogant offensive
not giving respect
sociall accepted
showing the skin
vulgar sign
stereo type gestures
mirroring technique
cards with two hands, playing with the card
global understanding
dont put pockets in trousers
am honest
fiddling in pockets
subtle things
people dont change for us
Biryani - rice, chicken, misses salt (words)

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Innovation workshop

Generate Ideas

How do we get ideas ?

“We cant consider it “ + cartoon

No ideas is a bad idea

Ridiculously crazy out of the box idea + cartoon

Great ideas are the beginning , not the end of innovation

Manage people with ideas

Ideas to innovation, invention, improvements
Bulb is invention
Making money innovation
(Making it useful)

Far more than inventions

Science or art ?
Artistic science ?
Scientific art ?

Initial is art later it’s science

What flies with paper

{ in the box } out side the box

Innovation can be
Technology change
New products/services
Business models
Incremental changes

Innovator’s dilemma

Why should we innovate ?
Personal | Corporate

Unleashing creative energy

Commercial _ UMTS – Business anywhere

Is Individual creativity same as corporate creativity
( company’s creativity does not have it’s own identity )
Subset of my creativity

Interesting video
Spin the globe 4,60,000

Power, medical, lighting, Information, Real estate

Global network of innovation

Corporate principle
We push innovation to shape the future.

History of being innovative.

Whatz the strategy of innovation

Renewal Resilient
Retrenchment Revolution

Innovation strategy
- align R&D with business objectives
- benchmarking, best practice sharing
- Quality and the value of patens

Pictures of the future

Top+ innovation goals

Cost effectiveness
Customer focus

Innovation golas


30 Siemens COM

31 Innovative edge
Lifeworks, NG phones, Hi path openscape

Surest way to predict the future is to create & shape it yourself

32 Innovative strength

33. Talk | our approach to innovation is very different now

34 Operate like a start up
Building prototypes
More viable
Disruptive technologies

- Bring people from widest range of networks
- Clear customer benefits
- Innovation board

What is innovation networks

Innovation skills IT for innovation

Innovation metrics Management process

Study material

IPR targets FY04/05
Quality goals
Quality goals

Defensive disclosure

CD - Philips patent

37 Cross licensing

38 Trigger
Spurring innovation within NM

Trigger  FosterInnovationSustain  Innovation

“We are losing patience. Have you come up with anything yet ?”
It’s not about desperation

Expert panel and review panel

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Vidya shankar, Technologies, coffee dayNagaraj TechnologiesBangalore
Personal relations work.
Give out a team model
Develop competency and protoype in open source.
Hire marketing team on percentage basis
Quit all the three. work full time.

sw. easier to reproduce.