Sunday, January 08, 2006

Bloglines - The Internet Journey so far

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Shrikant's Blog
Technology and Social Trends for a Better Life

The Internet Journey so far

By Administrator on Uncategorized

Lot has happened as the world wide web continues to get graphics rich with more connectivity. The journey so far has been remarkable. It is putting lot of pressure on traditional media and future effects can only be guessed.


* Netscape goes public. and eBay launch. n There are an estimated 100,000 sites on the web, up from some 623 in 1993.


* Google opens with a staff of 3.


* Blogger, one of the first popular weblog publishing tools appears.

* Craigslist, which began as an e-mail list of arts events in San Francisco, becomes an online classified ads-listing company.


* An average 52 million adults are online, about 5 million with high-speed internet access at home. As the year closes, there are 25.6 million websites.

* Google handles more than 100 million queries a day.


* Apple introduces the iPod.


* 65% of American children ages 2-17 use the Internet, up from 41% in 2000.


* MySpace and Friendster launch, putting “social networking site” in the vocabulary.

* One-millionth iPod is sold.


* Audio blogging is dubbed podcasting, and how-to articles begin to appear.

* Flickr, the photo-sharing/social networking site, launches.

* A typical day sees 128 million U.S. adults online. About 60 million have high-speed connections at home.


* eBay has 79 million U.S. members, 168 million worldwide.

* MySpace has 40 million members.

* 87% of 12- to 17-year-olds use the Internet.

* Technorati tracks 22.9 million blogs.

* By midyear, Flikr has 775,000 users and is growing about 30% a month.

* LiveJournal reports 2.5 million active accounts.

* 10 million Craigslist users search some 6.5 million classified postings each month.



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