Thursday, April 28, 2005

Bang on IT N. Vittal, 28/4/2005
Raman effect on alcoholBroader prespective and larger picture
advaita on globalisation
Relating two different things
doesnt need any introduction ...needs conclusion
electronicsmarriage of computer and communications
mangalore beedi industry - unusual
post rationalisation
converting science into technology
southern states chennai h'bad kerala
1965 - eliminate english library language
reflecting narrow mindedness
5000 years of tradition
brahminical culture
Functional basis - varnas
affirmative action in favour of weaker action
Brahmins started into pvt jobs
unionism , trade unions
Think locally
60% of IT classes - girls
IT's impact on bangaloresocial consequences
IT is an urban culture ?FC kohli presence of balck money is a standing monument
Moser Baer
cheaper to import than manufacturing
can it solve our national problems ?
success stories in fighting corruption
Railway reservation systemNSEBirth C'facte.Bhoomi pgm
adult literacy
cutlture is more important than infrastructureFrance Vs norwaycentralised 14 times decentralised
paperless Ran out of paper when file is missing
culture of secrecy
copyright copy left
culture of seniority donkey ,

Thursday, April 21, 2005

impact of open source sw movement in computing21st april 2004j veeraraghavan, novelll
classifying the learning23 yr 1 yr in linux
encourage questions
open source modeltextual defnvoluntaryaltruistic
not newshipping sw with the source codeparadigm shiftlevel playing field
IRC, chaotic'adopter' bugzilla
contribute as tester Doc user
conventional developmentnetscape 1998fix within hours
complete rewrite
strong proponent of free sw - richard stalwart
unix like os - free
philosophical clash recognisable open source project - linux
key differences,commercial organisationopen your source - open source
free beer free not in terms of cost, but accessibility
cathedral Vs baazar styletightl controlled
not funded by one orgn
not only programmerlicensing limitation( not invented here system)
reality unique distinction, passionate.hacker culture --> code is everyhing
conventional engg community
visionary perspective
OS - linux , BSDnetworking - DNS serversinfmn sys - portalsdesktop - windowsappln packages- ?sw development tool - c, cgi, php, perl
linux vendor
application packages not much movement
statistics registered - 99, 1888users - 1,057,570
major successes linux apache perl mozilla open office ( started by SUN) Jboss ( application server) ( websphere and weblogic) GIMP GNU collection of tools - compilers, editors, utilities KDE & GNOME
corporate backng open sourceIBM, HP, Novell, SUN, Redatsuse
economicsfunding streams - give away product, charge for installation and support
exponential way
GPL /user basispeople will buy maintenace
individual user/corporate usercommoditise compliments ( free sw with hw)cost sharing
not a simple, outsourcingmoderate view, pragamatic viewgoogle and yahoolinux servers linux company
cost of ownership( licensing fee)
biggest barrier95% desktop controlled by MS5% Apple and linux
linux worked on back end desktop users
generic drug - patent expiredproprietray
antacid OS comes bundled with hw os has become a commodity
advantages given enough eyeballs all bugs are shallow
MS bringing down the price - help the community
perceived disadvantages
no gurantee that ... will happenproblems with IPRIBM Vs SCO paten infringements
low visibility to projects

Indian context no programmers some initial momentum
MS huge foreign exchange localising in India
NOCIE program student final year projects
cultral issues revenue modelfactory model budge 60 -70 % for services
SAPsun solaris open source vs office
how do you ride both the horses
network Os migration cost
appln space
ring tone businessmobile 13,00- 6000
salt satyagraha
power of the movement

Sunday, April 17, 2005

Bang on IT7th April,Chinnaswamy stdPramod Chandra B Bhatt
1. Introduction Google's architecture Searching smartly Newer Trends
History Unix 70s 80s TcP/IP,Rlogin,FTP,Mail 90s Netscape,Browser 90s Altavista & others 00s Google, web services Now personalisation & clustering
2. email date/subject/sender/priority/content Header Folders infmn is volumnious,Retri
3. Organising web basic entity,document organising large no of docs query interface which document is where
4. Thoughts in the background several terrabytes of infmn Desktop search HCI-Human computer inerface
5. Debate:conventional wisdom should it be organised as a database? classification based search?(traditional file system) way the query may be formulated? kind of tools?
6. Defining moments store the full text in the server Louis Monier(alta-vista) Larry,sergie(google) index every word in the document
7. Text book TOC(Taste of contents) specific keyword?(appendix)
Random access indexing the web
8. word position and hit counts "to be or not to be" pattern matching
9. Forward and inverted indexing worldid->documentid->worldid
10. Crawlers Scooter-one of the first crawlers web robots-wobots Several thousands pages each day
11. 28 days "moving windows"
12. Role for machine intelligence Spell check (did u mean this?) looking for similar pages?
Web analytics purchasing pattern
PART 2------
Google indian connection Rajiv Motwani(IIT/K,Stanford)1. Random walk Anurag A ch File system
google-10 power100High point : recall : Highly link based
2. Google's URL service depth first,breadth first
3. Document store server 100 pages/second
Indexing: How it is done?1.parsing,to count hits2.hit record3.importance of record
inverting indices short barrel,full barrel title full text
docID wordID No of hits hit hit hit ------------------------------------- wordID ------------------------------------- wordID
4.Google's Architecture 'Seperation of concerns' __Server interface __index server __document server
index server doc server Ad server
5. How query is processed 1.parse 2.words->word ids
6.Ranking system
Ian RogersPage rank algorithm paucity of the timegoogle does not have a DB
PR=(i-d) + d(PR(T1)+....+PR(Tn)/c(Tn)] damping factor just to give a sense
Prof.Mahabala"How meshed locally the pages are"
7. Fault tolerance google's server down..... 10 bandwidth
Search strategysize & efficiencypower economics data cater 150w/siftspecial coolingparaller computing branch mispredict
PART 3------
words are implicitly anded (travel,travels,travelling,travelled) stop words are ignored
+LA = Los A ~SYnonyms or * ext: fileextensionRefining querydate of crawl
PART 4------
HTML document writer (Simple query interface)image,image annotations,audio & other media formsword,pdf,images (V3) HTML
explore the neighbourhhood
3 software testing clustering personalisation
Quality Assurance
Resource Testing Tools Softwarre Test
Which cluster definesiprofiling algorithm
Google pagerank Explained
cross language search Desktop searchSemantic webproject iridiumMAC

Thursday, April 14, 2005

Telixo (Navini communications)hotseasons-vertical search -beta phaseskype
whatz wrong with arzoo ?
caltechengg. students
'biz for electrical engineers'
stock optionsjoining startup after apple
yahoo- list of pages
AOL turned down
yahoo -12google -6next ? -
browsers worked on all platform
personalised web based database
jack smith
write bizness plan
what is it ?why is it better ?who is going to be ?how much money ?exit strategy ?what kind of people ?
firepower systems
put all information on the net
"sw factory kahna laga rahe ho" ?
AOL email "access it from anywhere "
instacoll"what ever you can imagine it's possible"
4ghz 1992-50 mn$27 year old web based ideaemail idea
4 million --> 55 mn - 100 mn india - 250 mn
4.5 years backcost of bandwidthkorea 78% societal transformation
cellular telephonybroadband
voip . peer to peer technology
always on phenomenon
eliminate the need for servermedia and people's over enthusisasm
rise of google ! herd mentality portal
search + email - 90%ecommerce 10%
pay for music ipodlast man standing
first to market
sell at 40$ buy at 10$
create productstapping intellectul potential1in10 survive
quality control90% effort in debugging the code
4 ingredients 1 idea 2 market consumer 3 risk of funding 4 quality of people ( hire the right person)
in start up..does the job of 5
screen sharing - data intensivedata centric model
home grown indian success
it's worth the success
stupidly passionate
entrepreneurship is not limited to IT alone
platform is internet/ platform for communication
word of mouth/ viral+ve -ve
patent for softwarepatening enforcing is tough.
get the market first
internet 1968-1992
why did windows take off
gut feeling on paper - formalise the instincts
investing in R&D, innovation spiritstudied in india studied in USA
i n us ask questions, independent thought
develop people what they are good at