Saturday, June 11, 2005

tackling table topic sessions.

well, my favorite method is to stall and keep talking. The key to success with table topic is to keep talking regardless of what comes of out of your mouth. Simmilar to what the writers call Free Writing. You do Free Talking. For example,

"Thank you for asking that question Mr. Table Topic Master, I am so glad that you asked me that question. Let me make sure that I understand what you are asking me. you are asking me to answwer a question that says, why do donkeys make such terrible noise? Am I to understand you correctly? phew, I am sure glad that I got that right, for a second I thought you said why do monkeys make such terriblw noises. Not that it will make any difference, because in either case I don't have the slightest ideas of why they do that. How ever, I must admit that the monkeys area lot more cuter when they make those those terrible noises that the donkey are when they make those terrible noises, Don't you think so? I must give you credit for coming up with such an ingenious question for me to answer for which I don't have an answer. Where is the timer? is my one minute up yet? wow, I made it. heu I think this is not so bad after all, ask me again next week and see if I can make a bigger fool out of myself trying to answer this type of questions. But then again I may surprise everyone including myself by coming up with an intelligent answer like Eisnstien or Issac Asimov might do. I think I am tired of talking. Thank you for the opportunity to practise thinking on my feet."

The idea is to be yourself and forget about what anybody would think of you when you answer these questions. Have fun with it and I promise you will come out a better person in the end. More poised and more confident. I hope this helps.


Dilbert Fan writes:
> Rashid,
>You have any quick tips for tackling table topic sessions.
>I joined Toast masters y'day, but damn scared to open my mouth.
>Probably will make up my mind next week.


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